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Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) Men / Women

In men,

testosterone is mainly produced in the testes. It helps regulate the following functions: Development of secondary sex characteristics Creation of sperm Strengthening of bones Muscle mass maintenance Sex drive

In women,

testosterone is mainly produced in the ovaries. While men generally have higher levels of testosterone, it still plays an essential role in the following functions in women: Creation of new blood cells Promotion of sex drive Regulation of other hormones, including reproductive hormones In women, most testosterone is converted to estradiol, a form of estrogen. It’s important to maintain healthy levels of testosterone to avoid disrupting these important functions.

What Are Healthy Testosterone Levels by Age?

Testosterone levels can vary throughout an individual’s life. One’s age, sex, and overall health play a role in testosterone levels.
Here are the normal testosterone levels for women across their lifespan:

  •  0-5 months old: between 20-80 ng/dl
  • 6-9 years old: below 7-20 ng/dl
  • 0-11 years old: below 7-44 ng/dl
  • 12-16 years old: below 7-75 ng/dl
  • 17-18 years old: between 20-75 ng/dl
  • 19 years old and older: between 8-60 ng/dl

Here are the healthy testosterone levels for men across their lifespan:

  • 0-5 months old: between 75-400 ng/dl
  • 6-9 years old: below 7-20 ng/dl
  • 10-11 years old: below 7-130 ng/dl
  • 12-13 years old: below 7-800 ng/dl
  • 14 years old: below 7-1,200 ng/dl
  • 15-16 years old: between 100-1,200 ng/dl
  • 17-18 years old: between 300-1,200 ng/dl
  • 19 years old and older: between 240-950 ng/dl
  • When Do You Have a Testosterone Imbalance?
  • A testosterone imbalance occurs when there are large and long-term
    deviations from the above-mentioned healthy levels.
  • For both men and women, testosterone levels naturally decline as they
    age. Men usually experience gradual age-related changes in hormone
  • On the other hand, women can expect to experience more dramatic
    hormonal changes —especially when they go through menopause.

What Causes High Testosterone in Women and Men?

High testosterone levels in men aren’t very common. In fact, male children with elevated testosterone are usually entering a growth spurt or starting puberty a little bit earlier.

On a different note, abusing steroids can cause high levels of testosterone in women and men. Apart from that, it also causes the following symptoms:

High testosterone levels in men aren’t very common. In fact, male children with elevated testosterone are usually entering a growth spurt or starting
puberty a little bit earlier.

On a different note, abusing steroids can cause high levels of testosterone in women and men. Apart from that, it also causes the following symptoms:

  • A deeper voice in females
  • Irregular periods in females
  • Fertility issues in females
  • Jumpstart of male pattern baldness
  • Excessive hair growth

Oilier skin For women, polycystic ovary symptoms (PCOS) increase testosterone levels. Women with PCOS produce too many androgen or male hormones which leads to the following symptoms: (LINKED WITH OBESITY AND POOR LIFESTYLE – CHRONIC DISEASE)

  • Irregular periods
  • Missing periods
  • Increase in acne
  • Oilier skin
  • Excessive hair growth on the chest, back, and face
  • Hair loss
  • Malfunctioning ovaries PCOS may also lead to fertility issues and pregnancy complications.

What Happens When Men and Women Have Low Testosterone Levels?

Testosterone deficiency can have the following effects on women: 

  • Missing menstrual periods
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Decrease in libido
  • A decrease in vaginal lubrication
  • Weaker bones
  • Fertility issues

Low levels of testosterone in men may lead to the following symptoms:

  • Facial and body hair loss
  • A decrease in muscle tone
  • Moodiness
  • Memory problems
  • Concentration problems
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • More fragile or thinner skin


Our goal is to help you begin feeling as well as you did in your 20’s and 30’s, before your natural testosterone levels began to decrease. In order to
accomplish this goal we use a bio-identical hormone replacement therapy to optimize and regulate your testosterone levels as well as several
other hormones. Since the hormones we use occur naturally in your body, it greatly reduces many of the adverse side effects commonly associated with
synthetic therapies.
To begin treatment, we need three things need to occur.  First, we need lab-work from you.  This will help understand your current testosterone levels and
ensure we get the initial dosing correct.  It will also help us identify anything else that might be going on.  Secondly, we will need a completed intake form
with our informed consent.  This will help us understand your health history, your current symptoms and a few lifestyle considerations and goals that will also assist us in determining the best course of action.  Lastly, we bring it all together in the consultation with one of our providers.  This is the point where it all comes together.  The lab-work, coupled with the information from the intake will guide the practitioner in asking the right questions to make absolutely sure that we get you off on the right foot as quickly as possible with your initial prescription.  Our approach saves you time and money by ensuring we eliminate as much trial and error as possible.

Interested e-mail [email protected] Call 1-888-311-6507

Treatment Name

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Time Duration

6 - 12 Months